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I've lately had occasion to look into this a little bit after a number of years, and things look a little different to my eye these days.  I was explaining this (below) recently to someone and I drew a little diagram to show what I meant.  And so rather than re-invent the wheel, I'll just share my notes with you.  


I wouldn't say this is 100% literal; it's a representation to illustrate something.  I like to think holistically, to be honest, instead of in parts and pieces, but sometimes it helps to break things down and look at the pieces.  The reason I've bothered with this is because it IS helpful to know that we DO take in the experiences we have in the world and we DO internalize them in that gut area (and in the heart and other ways, too, of course), but this belly-mind is very, very useful to know about.  It's key to many things in our lives -- physically as well as energetically. 


This whole configuration is what I call the "Community of Self".  


The rest, I guess, is self-explanatory in the notes.




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As those last fractures are healed up in your journeys, and you really start transforming the foundational stuff, you need to make sure you refill yourself with what was originally displaced:  YOU.  Clearing processes necessarily create a vacuum.  You want to fill that vacuum with YOU.  You AS God.  God IN you.  Let the force of it draw YOU back in (as a vacuum does) -- all of your displacements... returning with only pure signatures and no matrix attachments.


That quirky mongrel child inside IS God, or the apportionment of God that IS you.  Essence is HIS/HER projection.  And personality is their projection.  


The body is also a projection/collaboration here, too, between God and Earth (and, therefore, the being that IS Tara, Gaia, Mother Earth, Sophia -- whatever name you want to call it).  This is the RNA component.


The male balancer in this collaboration is the Christ Mind.  So we have there a Trinity.  God/Sophia/Christ.  Void, Ether, Light.  Father, Son, Holy Ghost.  The trinity creates the vessel, the grail.  These are the alliances going on with the body before you ever come along.  When you do, though, these other collaborations you've got going on collaborate with the body's collaborations :-) and allllllll of these working together create the projection of You into the world (a holographic being on a holographic planet in a holographic universe).


God is at the center of it all, inside.  That raw, wild, irascible, irregular, delightful mongrel child inside.  It's a Divine Beast, a force of nature, and it is God's projection which IS you at the rawest levels.  


Therefore: refill yourself with, well, yourself.  Yourself as God.  Because that's literally what it is.  If any part of us holds God "out there", you can't create with that.  It's impossible to be separate from God, anyway, but perceptions have effect.  No.  You've got to fill yourself up with God as You.  


We're really talking about the grail story, here, aren't we?  And all the players really ARE who we think they are.  And we know we're somehow part of it.














See the trinity?  See the cross? The sword?  The cup.  

See how you fit in?  

You are the cup.  Fill your cup with You as God, with Masculine and Feminine balanced.  And ground it.  Embody it.


There's another collaboration going on, too, in all these other collaborations: the Lucifer mind and the Strawman.  The Strawman was created as a control overlay for the Luciferian mind and its systems (the matrix).  The importance relating to the Lucifer mind, for me, is in understanding what the Gnostics were trying to say.  Divine Feminine has to have the Divine Masculine balancer or it creates distortions (and vice versa).  That's what the Archons are: distortions.  An ooops that got created because a God-level Feminine being created without her Balancer -- according to the Gnostics


Briefly, for context, for those unfamiliar, the Gnostics received galactic contacts and were told the Sophia Christ story.  Source-level Sophia, in her exuberance to create, bolted forward into the field of creation out of the Pleroma (what we'd probably today call the Central Sun -- "home of the Gods") without her Masculine balancer/consort, Christ, and when her divine energy hit that creational field in imbalance it created a distortion.  A ripple.  An accidental creation.  An oooops.  What I call "Anomaly" was created -- a consciousness of feminine inversion because it was created without its masculine balancer.  It became an inverted break-away shadow aspect of Divine Sophia devoid of the masculine.  Pure shadow feminine.  The Mother Archon mind was created in this creational oooops, and the Archons are her creation.  The Gnostics believed the archons are devious, heartless, controlling invader beings who lurk in unseen realms to completely control humanity's emotions to feed on their energies.


Lucy-fer (or the original Mother Archon mind) is a first-event creation.  A distortion of Sophia.  A warring aspect of Feminine Self because it was created out of alignment with God's creative power as Masculine (through Christ -- remembering that, according to the Gnostics, Christ and Sophia were created to be paired), and therefore lacks the masculine internal balance.  It is pure inverted dark feminine anomaly.  And its consequences have affected all of creation in this sector of the Universe ever since.  That original Anomaly (which is what I call that dark feminine "god") is an immortal feminine consciousness at Source levels; an original being... with God powers.  It's just an inversion of the divine feminine lacking its divine masculine balance.  So its war is always on the masculine (that which it lacks).  The original mind of that is being corrected galactically; Anomaly is being healed in the Central Sun for final correction.  This is Christ's purpose in the galaxy, this correction.  That's the grail.  The last of the correction is happening on earth right now.  Everything we see playing out in the world right now is the last leg of that ultimate correction.


The masculine / feminine balance is essential because it creates dark projections otherwise.  This is the twining of the DNA, these two.  The base pair, anyway.  


Our masculine / feminine perceptions, and how we create balance (or not) with them internally, determine how and what we create.  If we're not perceiving them in balance, we don't create in balance, and those errant projections get created.  Masculine has its shadow elements, too, but traced back to the origin, Anomaly is a feminine inversion.  The Biblical Christian version of this creature is Jezebel.  If you maintain internal balance between masculine / feminine, that distorted projection doesn't get nourished or perpetuated, and not even created.  Simple country Christians like my grandparents would just call this "the devil".   


ALL of this coalesces in the inner child -- that animating essence.  So you want to fill YOU back up with this God essence containing only your original encoded signatures.  And ask Source to help you recode a proper balance of masculine and feminine within the inner child (who occupies the heart space).  The child is the center of the grail cup.  


Imagine filling your cup with the liquidity of your God essence, poured from a pitcher from God's hand.  


[Parenthetically, this is why some of us are so interested in the Jesus story.  It's the most recent iteration of direct incarnations of all those divine players.  The Ralph Ellis stuff puts it together beautifully, that human story -- which did, of course, create bloodlines, and which did become the royal bloodlines of the world, some of whose bodies are wholly incarnated by archon beings.  Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands?  What a Luciferian ghoul.  Just one example.  Jesus bloodline, and full ghoul.]


[Also, go here for a little masculine / feminine balance.  These are not galactic nobodies, some of these women. There's not a ghoul in existence who won't flee from Sandi Patty's expressed frequency.  Her tone and resonance create an astonishingly powerful forcefield.]








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